Friday, January 9, 2009

What i make when im bored.

Man, you ever get so high you think shit like "Man, if i wasn't so high right now, i could drive and look for a job."

Then you start thinking about the car itself, and how you could fucking build one if you really wanted to. I mean really. how hard can it be to build a car.

Then you get even more high and start thinking about building a computer form scratch. i mean SCRATCH scratch. like you got a box full of copper and plastic. you gotta start making all your own wires and shit. You'd be there for days i bet.

Where's chainsaw been? ..You haven't heard. He's building a new super computer. He's gonna send it up to the moon. then that computer is gonna make robots, and those robots will do the same, and so on and so on. And before you know it, chainsaw has put a computer civilization on the moon starting with a box of fuckin copper wires he stole out the wall from some meth lab. ...Wow. see i new that chainsaw kid was gonna do something great in life. He was always so out there and creative. I just figured he'd make a cartoon show or something. But putting life on the moon. Goddamn. That came outta no where.

Then you ever get in your car and just fuckin zone out and all the sudden you're like 5 minutes down the road and go "How the fuck did i get here, i wasn't even paying attention!" Man...thats some far out stuff. Maybe thats the DMT jesus molecule guiding you through the jungle of monkey life. You could always swerve into a telephone pole, or my favorite, crashing into an ambulance. But what if u didn't die.

OR what if you did die! and you never got that box of tiny fucking wires, for you to twist together, like you're closing up bread, and never got to build that super computer to begin the base on the moon.

So maybe today when you're getting high, pull that box of old computer parts out the closet and start hot gluing them together. They all laughed when you got stoned and broke your tooth falling off the porch swing. But who's gonna be laughing when you break your arm doing 150 MPH on your rocket bike through the Anatolia Crater on the moon. I won't laugh...i'll be there. helping you back up on your rocket bike with a Moon Menthol Light hanging from my mouth saying through my moonman smoke filled mask "Dude...Man....You were going fast as shit.."


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